I saw an ad today showing how our pets are really beneficial for our health & wellbeing. But if you are reading this then you already know that!

It got me thinking about our very first year…

I had a stand in the dog pavillion at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney. A guy came to say hello with his daughter. The little girl was seriously disabled. Her dad said said she was attracted to my paintings because they were so colourful (those early ones were very bright!). He told me about his daughter’s friendship with her dog, Lexie. Her Assistance Dog. And very special friend. The dog and the little girl are inseparable (her companion and best friend). He sleeps in her room at night (if she has any kind of problem or emergency, he will alert the family immediately). He looks after her and protects her. Always. Lexie is a very important member of the family.

(I think he is one of the dogs in this clip).